Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

dikomentari yah...^^

sekarang banyak sekali tayangan sejenis acara inbox di televisi. kita tahu juga semakin banyak juga yang nonton acara tersebut baik dari kalangan anak muda terutama anak-anak yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah. sedangkan jam tayang acara tersebut berbarengan dengan jam sekolah....pertanyaannya,APAKAH MEREKA TIDAK BERSEKOLAH??? setidaknya dilihat juga banyak yang berasal dari kalangan terpelajar. selain itu, acara tersebut diselenggarakan di kota-kota besar yang sering menjadi icon bangsa indonesia....hufffhhhh, kenapa acara itu seakan tidak memberi dampak yang baik pada generasi muda penerus bangsa????
padahal kita juga akan mendapat pergantian pemimpin,lalu apa yang akan terjadi pada bangsa ini?????

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

The Important Cases of Group Discussion Mathematics Related With Psychology’s Students
Mathematics is one of bored lesson for students because of it’s image recent time. Mathematics was claimed as “a ghost” since mathematics is very frightened, very difficult, very confused of it’s formulas, etc. Mathematics does not have much relationship to the real world and most mathematical ideas can not be represented any way other than abstractly, with symbols. Therefore, knowing mathematics means “knowing how to do it”. Now, there are many teaching learning mathematics methods but teacher has an important roles in a class must adjust the subject matter with mathematics methods which be used. Unappropriately teaching learning methods of mathematics teacher added negative effects for students. Teaching mathematics involves telling (or showing) the students how to do different kinds of problems. Sometimes, when teacher ask question to elicit right answer; if a teacher question your answer , it means you have made a mistake or make test for you to know your comprehension about the matter which he/she have been asked. Students can learn mathematics in the class according to classical methods, group discussion, individual, etc.
Group discussion in a class or out of a class is one of the way for learning mathematics. Before we focus on group discussion students who learn mathematics, we can know meaning of group it self. Group is an assemblage of persons or objects gathered or located together. While group discussion is a group discussion consists of two or more persons who discuss about something which be a problem need a solution. In other words, one method of grouping students is by placing students into small teams within classes, based on their ability or a random distribution. Especially group, discussion for students who learn mathematics, this case is needed for knowing students’s ability of grouping or solving mathematics problem. Moreover, each of member group discussion asked for cooperating one another. This value inside it in psychology, is how much students’s respect and accept to friends’s feeling in one group and jointly responsible for their learning. Students or participants will work together to respond to various artifacts from mathematics classroom discourse. In large group discussion, all students will hear from the small groups and work together to find some common ground. Maybe each of the intelegence’s students in a group is different.
In group discussion, students’s low abilities in mathematics can be taught with her/his friend who more understand about the subject matter which be told. Also all of participants or students with all abilities can express his/her ideas to solve the problem take a conclusion or solution for that. When someone feel that his/her opinion is right, he/she may not to defend his/her opinion exactly. But, he /she must see of friends’s opinion in one group. After, his/her opinion was discussed an can be accepted with all of group member, so, it can be conclusion and be reported to their teacher. Accepting ability is a psychology of all participants who use their feeling s to respect friends’s ideas. Because accepted is not mean with looser. The subject matter was told in group discussion more clearly better than is explained by their teacher in front of class. Students can explore many references and more analyze the problem.
But, the negative effects of group discussion especially in mathematics lesson is when there is a student or participant in one group who has not feel spirit or lazy to discussion, he/she just entrusted his/her name in the report. He/she does not participate on discussion. It is caused he/she unknew with subject discussion or does not bravery to come out his/her opinion. It is needed another friends attention for exceeding that person. Besides that, the subject matter was told more was not understand by students. It can be a duty for teacher to explain until the students understand about it. It also can be implication of teaching that teaching mathematics with an emphasis on creative thinking will improve out comes for students of all levels of ability, no matter hoe they are grouped in their class.
Anniy Susilowatiy
P.Matematika R'07
No.hp 085643531026