Rabu, 10 Desember 2008

What I Can Reflect About Psychological Aspects If The Students Is Confronted With The Following Question

On Thursday 4th December 2008, my lecture given the task again for all students of regular mathematics education. In this time, we are divided in some groups which consists of five students with certain exercise. But, each group has certain perception and explanation of the exercise also each students of a group can develop the story of the task according themselves. The really of my exercise from my lecture, Dr. Marsigit, when he distribute many exercise of mathematics problem especially from Junior High School in some pieces papper and that exercise are grouped in certain subtopics of mathematics. To the point, my mathematics subtopics is about Linear Equation System in Two Variables that consists of some exercise in multiple choices form. There are six questions in my photocopy papper. And the important point of this task is I will talk about psychological aspects if the students is confronted with the following questions of that subtopics exercises.

If we discuss about Linear Equations System in two or more variables of mathematics Junior High School, it means that the linear equations system exercises have solution for assumption which have been choiced. We see exercises number one, this problem below which include of linear equations system is

  1. The price of two bread and three bottles drinking are Rp 10.000,00
  2. The price of two kilograms oranges is Rp 12.000,00
  3. The price of three pencils and five erasers are Rp 5.500,00. Then, the price of four pencils and three erasers are Rp 4.500,00
  4. The price of two rulers and two books are Rp 8.200,00. Then, the price of two compass and two bow degrees are Rp 5.000,00

We can take (c) as the answer. But, before that, we must think more if this exercise will be done by Junior High School student’s from mathematics students abilities aspects also psychological themselves aspects. Now, we look for the important points of mathematics student abilities and include psychological inside of it, for example:

ü If the students who hate mathematics lesson and they do not understand about that topics, they feel confuse surely. So, they will answer by their feeling not by mathematics concept which they are learned in the class or they accepted from their mathematics teacher. In here, the mathematics students abilities is they do not understand of that topics, and the psychological aspects is they feel confuse and next, they answer the question by their feeling.

ü To solve the question surrounding Linear Equations System with two variabels, students must have knowledge of concepts about it, at least, they know the steps of the process. If they still do not understand how to solve, they can ask their teacher or their classmates to help them, in another words, to explain again the matter. While, it is viewed from psychological aspects, they must ready of their mental when they start do their work and many effects will be happened.

ü The level of difficulties in every students are different. Sometimes, many students will angry if they are not still understand the lesson although they have been asked their teacher or their classmates.

ü On the other hand, the frequency of studying must be improved in order to add their confidences in solve the exercises when they examination or their teacher held a quiz. It can develop their motivation too. So, they will feel happy and satisfy when or after finished their duties.

ü Students need read the question carefully because maybe they will get the meaning of the question is ambygu and the models of mathematics is various of each question.

ü The teching methods of the teacher need more attention from the teacher it self for knowing emotion students’s when teching studying process live. It make the teacher can behave the students different. For instance; games (ice breaker) methods, inquiry methods, etc.

ü There are many things that supports to improve quality of mathematics students abilities, for example; many exercises about especiallylinear equation system which can be worked the students at home, teacher can give positive suggestion for students as to as the students don’t feel bored.

This cases above can obtain in all question about linear equation system especially in two variables.

Anniy susilowatiy


P.Matematika R’07



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